Friday, 12 October 2012

Dolphin Dual Massager

Dolphin Dual Massager

Dolphin Dual Massager

Dolphin Dual Massager  - Price Rs. 1899.

Buy now at :

Dual Maoter System is 2 moter work with one time and equel massager like hand.
Offering Dual Dolphin Massager.
The Dual Head Heavy Duty Full Body Massager, a powerful, hand-held massager with three attachment options designed to stimulate pressure points and relax stiff muscles and nerves. The result is instant rejuvenation and extreme relaxation with enhanced blood circulation. High Frequency points can massage the temples, and other brain points to eliminate uncomfortable feeling of drowsiness and fatigue, poor memory and appetite. 1 Dual Headed for larger area of application 2 Very effective for cervical or back massage 3 Stimulates Nerve Ends By Reflexology Therapy. 4 Promotes blood circulation and body metabolism.


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