Friday, 12 October 2012

Blood Circulation Machine

Blood Circulation Machine

Blood Circulation Machine

Blood Circulation Machine – Price Rs.6800.

BCM helps :
1.Relieve exhaustion, improve sleep.
2.Promote blood circulation, eliminate ache in muscle.
3.Prevention of hypertension, stroke etc.
4.Prevention of rheumatic arthritis, peripheral nerveatrophy.
5.Beautifies the skin and promotes general health.
6.Promote metabolism and expels toxins in the body.
7.Improvement of chronic diseases: headache, arthritis, insomnia, diabetes, cervical spondylopathy etc.
1. Vibration Function :
Promote blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels, relax muscle, invigorate the circulation of blood, accelerate the blood flow by strong vibration and make free circulation of the blood. Using the machine 15 minutes is equivalent to jogging 5 kilometers.
2. Circumrotate Function :
Clock-wise circumrotation makes a spiral blood circulation within the body. Increases blood supply for heart and brain, accelerate secretion discharge, and makes body health and clean.
3. Massage Function :
Salience aims at points and jerk sections under feet like a remarkable massage, spreading the vibration to all over the body. Release the aches, furbish the body jerk functions, carve your figure, reform your body, and keep the spring of your life

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