Friday, 12 October 2012

Hydro Sana Foot Detox Machine

Hydro Sana Foot Detox Machine

Hydro Sana Foot Detox Machine

Hydro Sana Foot Detox Machine – Price Rs. 4950.

Buy now at :

1. Fill half the foot spa tub with water (preferably lukewarm water). Add a pinch of salt. Note : Do not add too much salt, as excess salt will make the water too saline to work and the machine will not turn on.
2. Connect the Adapter cord and Ion Array cord at the back of the Controller. Then place the ion array at the centre of the foot spa tub (as per indicated marks).
3. Fit the Controller tightly on top of the foot spa tub (as per marks on top of tub and at bottom of controller). Now switch on the power supply to the adapter.
4. Insert your cleaned feet in the water tub and press the Power (On/Off. button at the top of the controller. The first of the six lights will turn on, indicating that the detox process has begun.
5. Similarly, each light will turn on after every 5 mins. You will notice the clean water to change color during the process, indicating which part of your body is excreting the toxins.
6. The process will end in 30 mins. and the machine will beep. You may remove your feet now.
7. Clean your feet, the tub and the ion array in clean running water and store in dry condition.
People using the Hydro Sana Detox System have reported the following benefits:
Alleviation from:
Migraines, Hypertension, Iodema, Depression, Fatigue, Psoriasis, Ezcema, Arthritis, Asthma, IBS, PMS, ME, MS, Diabetes, Acne
Improvements in:
Sleep pattern, Skin texture, General metabolism, Liver & kidney function, Alertness,
Hair condition, Blood Sugar, Acidity Levels, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol Levels, Thyroid Imbalance .
Please Note : This device is not a medical treatment. By removing your body’s toxins and cellular debris, it promotes healthier function of your body organs. This shall not be considered as a cure but a catalyst for natural healing.

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